Uno sguardo alla letteratura nubiana

La lingua nubiana, I poeti nubiani, Gli scrittori nubiani, La letteratura nubiana, I proverbi nubiani, Le personalità nubiane, Le tradizioni nubiane, L'artigianato nubiano, I film documentari, Storia della Nubia, Libri di autori nubiani, Libri sulla Nubia

Mamdouh Bakhit - ممدوح بخيت

Il grande poeta Mamdouh Bakhit Ali è nato ad Abu Simbel, nel dicembre 1963. Aveva solo due mesi quando lui e la sua famiglia furono riloggiati dal suo villaggio di origine, che sarebbe stato allagato e annegato dal lago Nasser formatosi dietro l'Alta diga di Assuan . Secondo le sue stesse parole, furono sfollati dal "paradiso di Dio" all' "inferno di Wadi Kom Ombo".

Ha scritto la sua prima canzone insieme a un amico, mentre era al liceo. I suoi insegnanti amavano la Nubia e promuovevano la lingua nubiana, e come delegato sportivo della sua scuola, Mamdouh Bakhit ebbe contatti con artisti del suo villaggio e fu attratto e influenzato dai grandi maestri della canzone nubiana e della poesia del suo tempo, Abdallah Semel, Seid Jaier e altri. All'età di 17 anni andò al Cairo per cercare il brillante poeta rimpianto Hussein Jaser , che divenne il suo padre spirituale.

Il "Poeta dei cuori" Mamdouh Bakhit, come viene amorevolmente chiamato per le sue canzoni d'amore profondamente toccanti, si preoccupa molto per la conservazione della lingua nubiana, e ricerca vecchie parole per mantenere vivo il loro significato e per descrivere situazioni con parole nubiane per evitare di usare l'arabo, che è molto penetrato nelle generazioni di rilocati nubiani. Come la maggior parte degli scrittori, poeti e cantanti nubiani, si sforza di insegnare il nubiano alla giovane generazione e di renderla consapevole del patrimonio, delle usanze e delle tradizioni della Nubia.

Mamdouh Bakhit ha scritto i testi di molte bellissime canzoni, rese famose dai grandi compositori che hanno avvolto le sue parole in meravigliose melodie - come il geniale artista, musicista e compositoreSeid Ibrahim Qurty e Majdi Bata, che esegue anche ad arte le sue canzoni cantandole e suonandole, così come Hisham Bata e Ahmed Himmet. Gli altri artisti di canto prominenti che eseguono le sue canzoni sono Adil Bata, Eid Suleiman, e Saber Kena, di Abu Simbel, e anche Ghazi Said, Assem Khitam, così come i giovani artisti come il carismatico Jiddo Seif, Ahmed Ismail, e Mohammed Yousef. Come la maggior parte degli altri nubiani, il desiderio del grande poeta Mamdouh Bachit è di tornare a ciò che è rimasto dalle terre della Vecchia Nubia, sulle rive del lago Nasser.

DK651 ممدوح بخيت - كوبليهات متنوعة من تأليفه نوبيين دوري كولود

The brilliant Nubian Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, extracts of his great artistic work, collected by Nobiin Dore Kolod

اغنية نوبية من روما

The brilliant Nubian Artist, Musician, Composer and Poet Seid Ibrahim Qurty recites and sings "Tijana Yummuna", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, who sits beside him; the song is composed, played and sung by Seid Ibrahim Qurty

نيرمونيا الاستاذ سيد ابراهيم و الاستاذ ممدوح بخيت

The wonderful Nubian Artist, Musician, Composer and Poet Seid Ibrahim Qurty recites and sings "Nermounnai-ya", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, in his presence; the song is composed, played and sung by Seid Ibrahim Qurty

اهديها الي للعروسين واسرتيهما والف مليون مبروك ويارب فرح الجميع خالص مودتي

The great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit recites two of his poems written for weddings, that became lyrics for two songs

ووه نانا والزمن الجميل وصدي الذكري في معشوقتننا

Enjoy this wonderful artistic session with the Artist and Musician Ahmed Hussein and others singing "Woo Nana", with the participation of the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and others

احمد همت نيرمونيم آجايجن

Beautiful artistic gathering with the great Artist Ahmed Himmet, singing "Nermunnai", a song written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the wonderful Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty

دولييين حال أديننا . المبدع الاستاذ- مجدي باطا وقيثارة الفن النوبي الأستاذ- عادل باطا والاستاذ العازف -مراد واستاذ العود- احمد حسين وعاشق الفن النوبي - نادر متمنيا لكم بأوقات سعيدة.mp4

Great artistic session with the famous Artists Majdi Bata and Adil Bata singing "Dole'n Hali Adi Inninna", a poem written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Majdi Bata, accompanied by musicians Ahmed Hussein and Murad and art lover Nader

قيثارة النوبه عادل باطا منقاويا

The soulful Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings "Ay Minga Awiya", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the great musician Majdi Bata

واحة النوبة ميوزيك الشاعر ممدوح بخيت وعاصم ختام

The creative Nubian Artist and Musician Assem Khitam sings and plays "Woo Doge", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit

عمالقة الفن النوبي في رائعة( نيرمونا )

The brilliant Nubian Artist and Musician Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings and plays "Nermounna", a poem written and composed by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, followed by the talented Artist and Musician Majdi Bata, in the presence of the great poets Mamdouh Bakhit and Tareq Salah Eldin, during a wonderful artistic gathering

تيجانايومونا - رائعة الشاعر ممدوح بخيت والفنان عادل باطا

The famous Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings "Tijana Yoummouna", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty - by Shawky Brun "Bronto"

اغنية اديننا

The charismatic Nubian Artist Jiddo Seif sings "Dole'n Hali Adi Inninna", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the famous Artist and Musician Majdi Bata, in a wonderful creative video

الفنان سيد ابراهيم والشاعر ممدوح بخيت اغنيه نوبيه

The wonderful Nubian Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings and plays "Illinna", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Seid Ibrahim Qurty - By Nubian Voice Channel

قيثارة النوبة الفنان /عادل باطا /اغنية قولقول اير كيرو

The famous Nubian Artist Adil Bada sings""Golgolla Ir Kiro", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the renowned musician Majdi Bata

منق آويا - أداء ولحن الفنان مجدي باطا - كلمات الشاعر ممدوح بخيت

The emotional Nubian Artist, Musician and Composer Majdi Bata sings and plays "Minga Awiya", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Majdi Bata, in a beautiful artistic gatherting - By Shawky Brun "Bronto"

آنيليه بانجينناه-أحدث إبداعات الشاعر ممدوح بخيت والفنان عيد سليمان

The talented Nubian Artist Eid Suleiman sings "Anni Le Bagninnana", a poem written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the Artist Alam Eldin Hazem - By Shawky Brun "Bronto"

النوبه سيد ابراهيم تجانيمونا

The wonderful Nubian Artist and Musician Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings, plays and composed "Tijana Yummuna", a poem written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, during an artistic gathering - Sound of Nubia

غناء قيثارة النوبة عادل باطا/دومريكومى

The great Nubian Artist Adel Bata sings "Doumirokoummi", a poem written by Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Ahmed Himmet

غازي سعيد - تيجانا يومنا

The wonderful Artist Ghazi Said sings "Tijanayoummouna", a poem written by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty

الفنان النوبى عادل باطا /ايرميناه قسماجومى

The soulful Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings the famous song "Dolen Hali Adi Inninna", a poem written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Hisham Bata

عادل باطا

The affecting Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings "Ayli Minga Awiya", a poem written by Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Majdi Bata

غناء قيثارة النوبة عادل باطا/دومريكومى

The great Nubian Artist Majdi Bata and the taleted poet Mamdouh Bakhit reherse the song "Adi Inninna", a poem written by Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by Majdi Bata

المبدع العملاق مجدي باطا والمبدع الفنان أمجد صابر ((( إيكا أساسينكلية ) شكرً خاص للفنان القامه عيد سليمان وعميد الفنانين الحج آلياس وكل الحضور

The great Artist and Musician Majdi Bata sings and composed "Ikka Asasinkelle", a song written by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, during an artistic gathering with the great Artist Amjad Saber and Eid Suleiman

حلقة 6 رمضان 2021 ـ ج 2 ـ برنامج مصر جميلة

Interview with the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, with the Nubian Artist Ahmed Himmet, by Channel 2 TV

DK618 سيد قورتى - نيرموننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The wonderful Artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings and composed "Nermunna", a poem by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK605 مجدى باطا - إر منا غيسمانجوومى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Majdi Bata sings the famous song "Ir Mina Resmangomi", a poem by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, and melody composed by the talented Artist Hisham Bata, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK596 صابر كنه - واللولون ويرانجووسا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Saber Kena sings "Walloloni Wirangosa", a poem by the gifted Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by the Artist and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK589 عادل باطا - دومميرووكوممى نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Artist Adel Bata sings "Doummirokoummi", a poem written by the gifted Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by the Artist and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK527 عادل باطا - أى مينغا آويا نوبيين دوري كولود

The expressive Artist Adel Bata sings "Ayli Minga Awiya", a poem written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by the Artist and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK519 عيد سليمان - أننيليه بانجيننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Eid Suleiman sings "Anni Le Bagninnana", a poem by the wonderful Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by Artist Alam Eldin Hazem, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK159 عادل باطا - تيجانايومموننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The poignant Nubian Artist Adel Bata sings "Tidjana Yoummouna", a poem by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, on a melody composed by the wonderful Artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK153 نبيل فتحى - أديننينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The young Nubian Artist Nabil Fethy sings "Dole'n Hali Adi Inninna", a poem by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by the famous Artist Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK128 غازى سعيد - تيجاناييمونا نوبيين دوري كولود

The emotional Nubian Artist Ghazi Said sings "Tijana Yoummouna", on a poem by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit, composed by the brilliant Artist and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK127 جدو سيف - أديننيننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The charismatic Artist Jiddo Seif sings "Dolen Hal-li Adi Inninna", a song written by the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the famous Artist Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK101 أحمد همت - نيرمونا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Ahmed Himmet sings "Nermounnai-ya", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the brilliant Artist and Musician Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK100 محمد يوسف - صلى الله على محمد نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Mohammed Yousef sings "Salla allah Ala Mohammed", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and composed by the great Musician Ahmed Himmet, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK90 أحمد اسماعيل - إللينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The charismatic Artist Ahmed Ismail sings "Illinna", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK75 عادل باطا - غولغولا إر كيرو نوبيين دوري كولود

The renowned Artist Adil Bata sings "Golgolla Ir Kiro", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the great Musician and Composer Majdy Bata, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK22 نبيل فتحى - إر منا قسمانجومى نوبيين دوري كولود

The creative Artist Nabil Fethy sings "Ir Mina Resmangomi", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the great Musician and Composer Hisham Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK28 عادل باطا - وو مَستو نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Artist Adil Bata sings "Barka Ter Ikka Woo Masto", a song written by the talented Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the great Musician and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK7 صابر كنه - نيرمونيا نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Artist Adil Bata sings "Nermounnay", a song written by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK20b عيد سليمان - إكا أساسينكيليه نوبيين دوري كولود

The innovative Artist Eid Suleiman sings "Ikka Asasinkelle", a song written by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the great Artist and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK65 صابر كنه - نورا وو نواراتو نوبيين دوري كولود

The taleted Artist Saber Kena sings "Noura Woo Nourato", a song written by the creative Poet Mamdouh Bakhit on a melody composed by the great Artist and Composer Majdi Bata, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

تكريم الشاعر الكبير ممدوح بخيت وقصائد حبّه الجميلة التي تقول "كلماته بسيطة ومعبرة وغير معقدة .. تؤجج قلوب العشاق".

Tribute to the great Poet Mamdouh Bakhit and his beautiful love poems, who say that "His words are simple, expressive and uncomplicated .. inflame the hearts of lovers"