استمتع بالفنون البصرية النوبية
الرسومات, منازل نوبية, تاريخ الفن النوبي, الافلام الوثائقية, الحرف اليدوية, مجوهرات, السينما والتصوير والتمثيل, تقنية, صور النوبة القديمة,
الرسومات, منازل نوبية, تاريخ الفن النوبي, الافلام الوثائقية, الحرف اليدوية, مجوهرات, السينما والتصوير والتمثيل, تقنية, صور النوبة القديمة,
Nubia, the region of the Nile valley stretching from the first cataract of the Nile close to the town of Aswan in the North (Southern Egypt) to the sixth cataract in the South (today's Sudan, close to the capital Khartoum), is considered as the cradle of human civilization. This was not always the case, as the bias of earlier Western societies and the bias of archaeologists downplayed the ancient Nubian civilization, or just referred to it as Egyptian. New finds in recent years however attracted the interest of archaeologists, who partially corrected history. Nubia was inhabited by humans since at least half a million years ago, possibly up to 2 million years ago, as shown by stone tools and bones of butchered animals discovered by the Swiss paleontologist Mathieu Honegger at archaeological sites in Kaddanarti and Kabrinarti, not far from the ancient town of Krema in the southern Nubian Nile Valley (Northern Sudan). Similar tools were found in the cliffs of Abu Simbel, in the Lower Nubian Nile Valley (Southern Egypt), dating human presence to 700'000 to 2 million years ago.
These early humans - who had settled in an ideal environment providing them with everything they needed for an easy and prosperous living - progressively invented and developed better tools, ustensils and a living environment, as well as settlements and a social organization allowing them to create art, visual communication like rock drawings and carvings, the precursors of writing, ships for transportation, trade, agriculture, domestication of animals, as well as science like astronomy, engineering, mathematics and medicine, that all greatly improved their living experience and set the groundwork for human knowledge and creativity that were transmitted to other parts of the World, in exchanges through migrations, trade and travel.
Up to this day, Nubians are known for their kind and sociable nature, generosity and welcoming of strangers; these moral qualities, together with their habit of sharing their goods and knowledge, allowed them to live a mostly peaceful life and spread their civilization inside and outside of Africa, emigrating first to the Arab Peninsula and Eastern Mediterranean and later further to Southern and Central Asia and Southern Europe. Later migrations brought them further North inside Asia and Europe, and finally to the Americas, where they encountered earlier migrants and adapted their lifestyle to the harsher environment, creating regional cultures on their way.
Nubian Complex Tools Reduction Techniques
Control of fire by early inhabitants of the Nubian Nile Valley
Preparation of a simple raft with sugar cane and palm flax
Raft at Semna rapids
Nubian Nile Valley men fishing and hunting with reed boats
Nubian woman weaving with palm leaf
Braided temporary shelter and woven basket
A Nubian producing a rope from date fibers
Rope stretchers depicted on an Egyptian wall painting
Hunting a hippopotamus
Hunting birds
Wall painting of a Nubian archer
A Nubian archers engraved in a stone tablet
Nubian archers represented on a wall relief
Chute, the end of a game trap
Hunting trap
Fishing with spears or harpoons
Spear fishing depicted in an ancient wall painting
Fishing trap
Aligned fishing traps
Basement of an early home, or "tent rig"
Early housing, up to 100'000 years ago
Archaeologists at the Affad 23 site
Drying or smoking of meat pieces
Salting or smoking of fish
Grinder to grind grain and dyes
Ancient Nubian bread
Early agriculture was initiated in the Nubian Nile Valley
Organization and cooperation in agriculture
Clay storage chamber for grain
Granary as it was present in large villages
Granary with its distribution of grain
Domestication of cows
Nubians with various domesticated animals
Agriculture in the ancient Nile Valley
Sickle and hand ploughs
King Scorpion holding hoe during a ceremony
Plowing land in Nubia
Thresher in use to separate grains from the crops
Girls harvesting dates
Harvesting fruit
Digging an irrigation channel
Early agriculture in the Nubian Nile Valley, with irrigation channels
Ancient representation of a Shadouf
An ingenious invention, the Shadouf
System of shadoufs reaching higher ground
Eskale, Nubian Waterwheel
Eskale, buckets lifting water from the Nile
Eskale, gear of the Nubian Waterwheel
Archaeological sites where pottery was found
Sherds of Nubian pottery from various sites satarting as early as 20'000 B.C.
Decorated Nubian Ceramics
Pre-Kerma Ceramics
Artistic ceramics
Geometric rock carving with superposed stylized animals
Rock carvings representing large ships and people
Depiction of Nubian rock graffiti, precursors of hieroglyphic writing
Rock paintings in the "Cave of the Swimmers"
Importance of astronomy in ancient Nubia
Astronomical alignment of a stone circle in Nabta Playa
Since early Nubians established villages, they exchanged their products among them
Nubian settlements were far from the sea, but traded seashells were found
Trade routes to and from Nubia
Depiction of a trade sail ship
Nubian traders
Some of the traded commodities
Extended trade routes in dynastic period
Sandstone quarries and temple locations
Quarry with unfinished oblisk in Aswan
Ancient Quarry
The Arabian Nubian Shield, rich in gold ores in ancient times
Remains of an ancient gold mine in Southern Nubia (Northern Sudan)
Tools used in mining, grinding, tiny gold parts and mine shaft opening
Gold washing table, as it was used to sieve panned gold
Berenice Panchrysia, a main ancient gold extraction site
One of the larges ancient Nubian gold mines
Mine workers
Wall painting showing goldsmiths at work
Silversmiths smelting silver from lead. Silver was considered white gold.
Wonderful gold, silver and copper artifacts from the Nubian Kingdom of Kush
Kushite Nubians made jewelry of incredible beauty and ingenuity of electrum and inlayed gold
The environment in the mountains South-East of Aswan where emeralds were mined
Jewellers piercing and assembling emerald jewelry
Pigments used to paint a shrine wall at Kawa in the Upper Nubian valley
Nubian faience objects, inlays, amulets and wall decorations as well as a vase with shapes of God Bes and its sculpture
Early half-subearthed storage room with remains of wheel pottery
Early stone structure habitation
Reconstruction of a hut as it might have been erected at El Barga
Drawing of a late mesolithic hut
Reconstruction of the Pre-Kerma "A-Group" village discovered by Archaeologist Charles Bonnet
Habitations like the ones constructed in Pre-Kerma villages
Incense burner of Qustul showing a king with a white crown, a falcon and rosette sitting on a boat towards a palace, and a seal imprint from Seyala with a falcon on a serekh, a man saluting him and a bow, symbol of Ta-Seti ("Land of the Bow", Egyptian name for Nubia)
Reconstruction of the town of Kerma, around 2'500 B.C., excavated by Archaeologists Charles Bonnet and Mathieu Honegger
Drawing of Kerma
Old Kerma, unearthed by Swiss archaeologists Charles Bonnet and Mathieu Honegger and their teams
Nubian vaults in village before flooding
Mud bricks are dried in the sun, and old mudbrick roofing
Side view and drawing on the Western Deffufa in the center of Kerma
Front view of the Deffufa, as it still stands today
Political map showing overlapping regions as known from ancient Egyptian texts -
Towns in which Nubian cemetries or traces of occupation were found
Reconstruction of the pre-dynastic Horus temple in Hierakonpolis (Nekhen in Egyptian), with the roof resembling a faclon
Drawing of the original Temple of Kalabsha
The temple of Amada, the oldest of the Nubian stone-built temples
View of the rock-carved Ramses II temple in Abu Simbel
Interior of the Ramses II temple at Abu Simbel
Artistic rendering of the Nubian pyramids
Pyramids of Meroë
Young Sudanese discover and promote the Nubian Pyramids
Interior of the chapel entrance to the pyramid of King Tawentamai, located in El Kurru
Artistic representation of the construction of the Taharqa monument on the pinnacle of Jebel Barkal
Holes in the cliff wall and parallel holes in the pinnacle wall where wooden beams of the scaffolding were inserted
Panel with inscription and holes in which the gildening plate was fixed
Pyramid of Pharaoh Taharqa astronomically aligned with the pinnacle of Jebel Barkal
Pyramid of Taharqa
Nubian villages and environment are kept flawlessly clean
Since thousands of years Nubians drink water from the Nile
Water is retrieved from the Nile to let animals drink some 100 m far from the river
Nile Acacia tree, which cured many diseases, is found abundantly in Nubia
Dried fruit and powder from Acacia Nilotica/p>
Skull of a man aged 55 to 65 years from Khor Shambat, that had undergone trepanation surgery
A scalpel and other surgical instruments used in Ancient Nubia, exhibited at the Nubian Museum in Aswan
Flasks used for medical potions
Scientists discovered that ancient Nubians produced potions -probably a special brew of beer - containing antibiotics
Sketch on the wall of a palace in Meroe, showing an astronomer with his instrument - and modern interpretation
Meroe sketches about astronomical observations
A megalithic stone circle at Nabta Playa mapping an early calendar
Names of the months written in Old Nubian script
Macehead of Nubian Pharaoh Nemes, the founder of the 1st dynasty
Print from the Nemes macehead, representing the object and number signs
جراحة رأس عمرها 7000 عام: واحدة من أقدم جماجم النقب التي تم اكتشافها في السودان
7,000-Year-Old Head Surgery: One of the Oldest Trepanned Skulls Discovered in Sudan - Ancient Origins
Ancient brew masters tapped antibiotic secrets - Science Daily
استغل أساتذة المشروبات القدامى أسرار المضادات الحيوية
النوبة ومصر 10'000 ق. إلى 400 م - د. لاري روس
Nubia and Egypt 10'000 B.C. to 400 A.D. - Dr. Larry Ross
In Between Nubia - Reappraising Nubian identity through material culture
في بين النوبة - إعادة تقييم الهوية النوبية من خلال الثقافة المادية
The Pinnacle Monument of Taharqa - Timothy Kendall
نصب تذكاري جبل البركل لفرعون طاهرقا
Ancient Egyptian Science - Edited and Prepared by Prof. Hamed A. Ead - Tour Egypt
العلوم المصرية القديمة - تحرير وإعداد أ.د. حامد عياد
رياضيات مصر القديمة
The Mathematics of ancient Egypt - Dr. Williams - State University of New York at Buffalo.
Neolithic Skywatchers - Andrew L. Slayman - Archaeology
مراقبو السماء من العصر الحجري الحديث
وادي النيل: مجتمع زراعي مبكر - التاريخ الأفريقي القديم
Nile Valley: An early agrarian society - Ancient African History
The artifacts speak: Ancient Qustul (Ta-Seti) - Egypt's Founder - Narrative
القطع الأثرية تتحدث: قسطل القديمة (تا ستي) - مؤسس مصر
The Deffufa Temples in Kerma, Nubia, Sudan at least 9,500 years old? - Sola Rey
معابد دفوفا في كرمة ، النوبة ، السودان ، عمرها على الأقل 9500 سنة؟
By its scale and architectural system, the Pre-Kerma agglomeration heralds the future development Nubia will know with the emergence of the city of Kerma. - Kerma.ch website
من خلال نطاقها ونظامها المعماري ، يبشر تكتل ما قبل كرمة بالتطور المستقبلي الذي ستعرفه النوبة مع ظهور مدينة كرمة.
مدينة كرمة هي عاصمة مملكة كوش الأولى. في أوجها ، امتدت أراضي المملكة من الشلال الأول إلى الشلال الخامس.
The city of Kerma is the capital of the first Kingdom of Kush. During its heyday, the kingdom’s territory extended from the First to the Fifth cataracts. - Kerma.ch
The Nubian Mudbrick Vault. A Pharaonic building technique in Nubian village dwellings - Lilli Zabrana
قبو الطوب النوبي. تقنية بناء فرعونية في مساكن القرية النوبية
نصب جبل البركل بيناكل لفرعون طهارقة
The Jebel Barkal Pinnacle Monument of Pharaoh Taharqa - T. Kendall - JebelBarkal.org
Ancient Astronomy of the Nabta Playa Nubian Stone Circle - Dr. Ali Aby Muhammed - Nubian Geographic
علم الفلك القديم لدائرة نبتة بلايا النوبية الحجرية
The ancient stone-built game traps at Gharb Aswan and beyond, Lower Nubia and Upper Egypt - P. Storemyr - Semantic Scholar
الفخاخ القديمة المبنية بالحجارة في غرب أسوان وما وراءها والنوبة السفلى وصعيد مصر
Africa’s inventions: the Earliest Sea-Faring Vessels - ThinkAfrica.net
الاختراعات الأفريقية: أقدم السفن البحرية
The Nubian Complex and the Dispersal of Modern Humans in North Africa - P. Van Peer & Pierre M. Vermeersch
المجمع النوبي وتشتت الإنسان الحديث في شمال إفريقيا
نظرة عامة على فخار ما قبل الأسرات في مصر القديمة
An overview of the Predynastic Pottery of Ancient Egypt - Diane Leemann - Academia
Berenice Panchrysos: la città fantasma del deserto nubiano. - Museu Castiglioni
Berenice Panchrysos: مدينة الأشباح في الصحراء النوبية.
Mines and Quarries of Ancient Egypt: An Introduction - Jimmy Dunn - Tour Egypt
مناجم ومحاجر مصر القديمة: مقدمة
مصر ما قبل التاريخ: الإنسان الأول ، الفن الصخري ، الأدوات ، الدفن ، والهجرة إلى النيل