Ascolta le più belle canzoni Nubiane

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Ahmed Sherif - احمد شريف

Ahmed Sherif è un altro grande artista del famoso villaggio artistico di Abu Simbel. Circondato da famosi cantanti, compositori e musicisti da generazioni, ha goduto del miglior ambiente possibile per diventare un artista.

Mentre gli piace cantare canzoni del ricco patrimonio nubiano, esegue anche le sue numerose canzoni basate sulle tradizioni della musica nubiana e sulle poesie di alcuni dei poeti più illustri.

Ahmed Sherif canta con una voce emotiva esprimendo i suoi sentimenti profondi e assorbe il suo pubblico nella sua bellissima arte e nelle sue presentazioni carismatiche. Predilige gli incontri artistici cantando con i suoi colleghi artisti in un'atmosfera gioiosa piuttosto che esibirsi in grandi eventi.

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK533 أحمد شريف - موول أننوغ فووتسيندو

Artists Ahmed Sherif and Abdelrahman Wahby sing "Mol Annilogo Foutsindo", written and composed by Poet Hilmy Abuzeid, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK195 أحمد شريف - أشرى

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Ashry", written by Poet Abdelrahman Salah and composed by Ahmed Himmet, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK194 أحمد شريف - لالانى

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Ashry", written by Poet Abdelrahman Salah and composed by Ahmed Himmet, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK167 أحمد شريف - جاوريدين كوريتو

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Jaoudirin Kuretod", written by Poet Nasser Haj and composed by Artist Hisham Bata, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK158 أحمد شريف - من أفراح أبوسمبل

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings a collection of Wedding Songs from Abu Simbel, 1991, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK607 أحمد شريف - ما شا الله أدى وو هوي

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Ma Sha Allah Adi Wo Hoy", written and composed by the great Nubian Poet and Musician Nasser Haj, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK570 أحمد شريف - أدى ميسسيه خيرلوغ كيرونا

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Misseli Kirona", written and composed by the great Nubian Poet and Musician Hilmi Abuzeid, with Musician Karam Sultan, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

الفنان احمد شريف

Artist Ahmed Sherif

قناة أنانوبي النجم أحمد شريف (قعدة الدر آل كاشف_ حارس الله#1

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings at artistic gathering - Ananobi channel

أحمد شريف الفنان النوبى 4

Artist Ahmed Sherif

الفنان النوبي 👳🏾‍♀️ احمد شريف🎤 اجمل الحفلات النوبية 🎶

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings at Nubian festivities

ميوكا أونيى اير ورغوسوا الفنان أحمد شريف

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings and plays keyboard at an artistic gathering

الفنان المميز احمد شريف ...ابن ابوسمبل

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings at an artistic gathering

أحمد شريف 2

Artist Ahmed Sherif 2

أحمد شريف الفنان النوبى 3

Artist Ahmed Sherif 3

الفنان/أحمد شريف - جمعية أبوسمبل بالقاهرة

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings together with Artists Ahmed Gayer, Amer Dawoud and others at the Abusimbel Society in Cairo

أحمد شريف ابن أبو سمبل 1

Artist Ahmed Sherif 1

احمد شريف افراح ارمنا بالطالبيه هرم

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings at Armena wedding

(الجزء الثانى )حفل تكريم عمالقة وقامات ابو سمبل الشاعر حلمى ابوزيد حسين عراش عبد الرحمن وهبى

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings at a ceremony honoring the great Artists of Abu Simbel, the poet Helmy Abu Zeid, Hussein Arash, Abdel Rahman Wahbi

كليب الفنان احمد شريف - ماشاالله

Artist Ahmed Sherif video "Ma Sha Allah Adi Wo Hoy"

الفنان/أحمد شريف/الفقرة الثانية/ندوة فريق نوباروسان/جمعية أبوسمبل بالقاهرة / الجمعة 4/10/2019

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings together with Artists Ahmed Gayer, Amer Dawoud and others at a meeting of the Nubarusan Troupe at the Abusimbel Society in Cairo - Part2 Deheb Almajraby Channel

الفنان/أحمد شريف/الفقرة الأولى/ندوة فريق نوباروسان/جمعية أبوسمبل بالقاهرة / الجمعة 4/10/2019

Artist Ahmed Sherif sings together with Artists Ahmed Gayer, Amer Dawoud and others at a meeting of the Nubarusan Troupe at the Abusimbel Society in Cairo - Part1 Deheb Almajraby Channel