استمع إلى الأغاني النوبية المثيرة

اغاني, موسيكا, الملحنون والموسيقيون, الاراجيد, اساتذة عظماء الأغنية النوبية, فنانون نوبيون معاصرون الكبار, النجوم الصاعدة للأغنية النوبية

Al Balabil - البلابل

A wonderful artistic trio, the three sisters Hadia, Hayat and Amal Talsam from Halfa in Upper Nubia (Sudan) formed the group "Al Balabil" (the Nightingales) - and became big stars of the Nubian and Sudani folk song. Their father and mother were artists, and managed to let their seven daughters and two sons study at the Academy for Folk Arts.

Starting their artistic careers in the early 1970s, already at a young age the elder girls performed with other artists at festivals and concerts, and gradually left to arrange the performances of their three younger sisters. Al Balabil immediately achieved great success, and singing initially in Arabic, they held many concerts and were often representing Sudan's art abroad. Al Balabil and their artist family give great importance to present high quality art, accompanied by a large orchestra and singing beautiful melodious and meaningful songs.

Their perfectly coordinated songs enchant as well their Arabic as their Nubian public, for whom Al Balabil started singing Nubian songs in 2007. After they spent 20 years outside Sudan - were they continued performing in the United States and England - the three sisters returned and were warmly welcomed and acclaimed. Up to this day Al Balabil sing for their fervent public at home, during television shows and interviews and occasionally in Egypt and Europe. Although all three sisters are married, they show a great example on how female Nubian artists can succeed and fulfill their dreams.

الراهبات الثلاث الفنانات "البابليل" ينشدن "بابور كوسنا" من تأليف وتأليف الشاعر اللامع الدكتور مصطفى عبد القادر مع كلمات وترجمة للعربية والانجليزية.

The three Artist sisters "Al Balabil" sing "Babur Kusuna" (The Boat Set Sail) written and composed by the brilliant Poet Dr. Mustafa Abdelqader, with lyrics and translation to Arabic and English translation

DK43 البلابل - دنيا لي أشرياينيني Dore Kolod

The three Artist sisters "Al Balabil" sing "Dunya-li Ashriya Innini" (The World is beautiful, it's us who make it bad) written by Poet Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha, composed by the great late Artist Khidhir El-Attar, lyrics in Nubian by Dore Kolod

DK36 البلابل - دولغيتايسان دولليسو Dore Kolod

The three Artist sisters "Al Balabil" sing "Dolgidtaissan Dolliso" written by Poet Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha, composed by the great late Artist Khidhir El-Attar, lyrics in Nubian by Dore Kolod

رحلة الى اسوان البلابل.wmv

Artists "Al Balabil" sing "Babur Kusuna" - a journey to Aswan, written and composed by Poet Dr. Mustafa Abdelqader

ابداعات البلابل فى مهرجان السودان للموسيقي والرقص بشيكاغو

Creative Artists Al Balabil sing at the Sudan Music and Dance Festival in Chicago

البلابل - داري داري - حفل الدوحة 2015

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dari Dari" at a festival in Doha, 2015

بابور كُسُونا- أغنية نوبية ... البلابل

The three Artist sisters "Al Balabil" sing "Babur Qusuna", the famous song about the drowning of Nubian villages written and composed by Dr. Mustafa Abdelqader

البلابل - حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 8

Artists Al Balabil concert in London - Nubian Association

اغنية نوبية اداء البلا

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dunya Ashriya Innini", on a poem by Poet Mohammed Omar Taha, composed by late Artist Khidhir El Attar

البلابل واحدث اغنية نوبية تذاع لأول مرة

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dolgidtaissan Dolliso", a poem written by Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha

البلابل - حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 7

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dunya Ashriya Innini", a poem written by Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha at a festival in London by the Nubian Association

اغنية نوبية البلابل - صبري

Artists Al Balabil sing "Sabre"

البلابل - عديلة (اغنية نوبية)

Artists Al Balabil sing "Adila" (old recording)

البلابل - اغنية دنيا أشري - نوبية - حفل الدوحة

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dunya Ashriya Innini" at a festival in Doha

فيديو نادر يجمع قامات من الفن النوبي البلابل من حلفا والفنان إبراهيم عوض من أبناء

A rare video showing a Nubian concert by Artists Al Balabil from Halfa and Artist Ibrahim Awad from Abna'

البلابل _ داري داري ( ليالي البروف)

Artists Al Balabil sing "Dari Dari"

البلابل - اغنية دنيا أشري - نوبية - حفل الدوحة

Concert of Artists Al Balabil "Dunya Ashry"

ليلة نوبية مع البلابل و أمجد صابر 2019

Nubian Concert with Al Balabil and Amjad Saber, 2019

البلابل Al Balabil Collection

Al Balabil Collection

ليلة مع البلابل (كاملة) - قناة الشروق - عيد الفطر ٢٠١٥

Night with Al Balabil - Al Shourouq Channel 2015

البلابل - الشاغلين فؤادي

Artists trio Al Balabil and Mohammed Abureesh sing "Alshaghlin fouady"

البلابل - في الطيف أو في الصحيان

Artists trio Al Balabil and Mohammed Abureesh sing "Fy allatif au fy almahian"

البلابل - ليل الشجن

Artists Al Balabil sing "Leil Al Shejen"

البلابل- تعرف اني من أجلك

Artists Al Balabil sing "Taarif inni min ajlek"

البلابل - بين اليقظة والاحلام

Artists Al Balabil sing "Bein aldqza u alahlam"

البلابل - البيسأل ما بتوه

Artists Al Balabil sing "Albisal ma bituh"

عشه صغيره - البلابل

Artists Al Balabil sing "Asha Saghira"

البلابل - نور بيتنا - حفل الدوحة 2015

Artists Al Balabil sing "Nur Betna" at Doha Festival

البلابل - حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 6

Artists Al Balabil sing at festival in London - Nubian Association - Part 6

البلابل - حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 4

Artists Al Balabil sing at festival in London - Nubian Association - Part 4

البلابل- حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 2

Artists Al Balabil sing at festival in London - Nubian Association - Part 2

البلابل- حفل لندن (الرابطة النوبية) - Part 1

Artists Al Balabil sing at festival in London - Nubian Association

رجعنالك | البلابل

Artists Al Balabil sing "Rajaanalek"

البلابل موجه

Artists Al Balabil sing "Mowja"

البسأل ما بتوه - البلابل

Artists Al Balabil sing "Albisal ma bituh"

لون المنقة - البلابل

Artists Al Balabil sing "Lon el manga"

نور بيتنا - البلابل

"Nur Beitna" in an old recording of Artists Al Balabil

مستحيل عن حبك أميل - البلابل

Artists Al Balabil sing "Mustahil an habbek ya jamil"

البلابل - البنريدو تايه

Artists Al Balabil sing "Albintridu taya"

البلابل البتوحى الناس العيون - رائعة الكاشف

The trio Al Balabil sing "Albituhi alnas alayoun"

نحييك ما بتحيينا - البلابل

Artists Al Balabil old recording

البلابل - الأمان

Trio Al Balabil "Alaman"

يا سلافة الفن - البلابل

Trio Al Balabil "Ya silafa alfan"

البلابل نسيتني انا وخلاص يعني ؟

Trio Al Balabil "Nasetny ana u khalas"

البلابل__ المشوار

Trio Al Balabil "Al Mishwar"

مجموعة البلابل تُكمـل مسيرة أربعيـن عاما

Documentary on the Artist Group Al Balabil by Aljazeera TV Khartoum

بعد عشرين عاما على الغياب بلابل السودان تعود من جديد لتحلق في مسارح الخرطوم

Reportage on the Artist Group Al Balabil who came back on the artistic scene of Sudan after a 20-year absence

البلابل..السقيد..الموصلي الطيب عبد الماجد

Interview with the artistic trio Al Balabil and other artists

بنات طلسم - 2- برنامج توثيقي لمسيرة البلابل الفنية

Interview with the Artist Group Al Balabil and their other sisters about their young years and their career

البلابل - مع حسين خوجلي - عيد الاضحى 2015

Interview with the three sisters Al Balabil about their life and career

البلابل- الحلقة 1 - حلقات توثيقية لمسيرتهن الفنية - حوار وأغان

Albalabil - Episode 1 - Documentary episodes of their artistic career - dialogue and songs

لقاء الفنانة هادية طلسم اعداد وتقديم عزيز عثمان

A meeting of the artist, Hadia Talsam - member of the trio "Al Balabil", prepared and presented by Aziz Othman

البلابل أغنية نوبية " وو مسو أوكميني "

Nubian Arageed Troupe performs on a song by Al Balabil

