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Mohammed Omar Taha

Mohammed Omar Taha from the Nubian village of Ibrim is an extraordinary talented poet who wrote remarkable poems sung by his late friend Khidhir Al Attar, the famous three sisters "Al Balabil" and by many Nubian singers.

His most notable timeless song is "Dunya Ashry" (The World is Beautiful), composed and first sung by the great Nubian artist Khidhir al Attar, describing how the World is beautiful and full of goodness but it is people who fill it with corruption and wickedness, and he appeals to all to work together - young and old - to bring the good back to our World.

Being also a professor of Nubian Nobiin language and a researcher in Nubian Heritage, his poems all carry a deep meaning pertaining to the Nubian ethics and traditions, reviving traditional Nubian words and expressions, and encouraging generous, good, peaceful and kind conduct.

Mohammed Omar played a big role in promoting and supporting the great late Artist Khidhir El Attar up to the peak of his fame, when he performed at the biggest events like the Third Millennium Concert by the Pyramids with Jean-Michel Jarre and his several concerts at the "Makan" cultural center in Paris.

Furthermore, Mohammed Omar also encuraged and actively contributes to this Art of Nubia website, wishing to make Nubian Art better known and beloved to the Nubian community and the new generation, especially to young Nubians living outside their lands of origin, as well as to the World at large, who had been kept in the dark for too long time about the significance of the noble Nubian Art and its great history at the root of human civilization.

NEW: Nubian Language Courses in Nobiin - Fadija and Matokki - Kenzi

Learn the Nubian Language (Nobiin-Fadija and Matokki-Kenzi) in Cairo - Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha gives the lessons in Nobiin (Fadija), and Prof. Kheiriya Mousa teaches Kenzi

Artistic gathering with the late Nubian Artist Khidhir El Attar and Mohammed Omar Taha at the home of late Haj Saad Eldin Abdo Taha in the village Eniba

لقاء فني مع الفنان النوبي الراحل خضر العطار ومحمد عمر طه في بيت المرحوم الحاج سعد الدين عبده طه بقرية عنيبة

Tribute to the talented artist Khidhir El Attar by Mohammed Omar Taha, Nubian Poet, Professor of Nubian Language and Researcher in Nubian Heritage

تكريم للفنان العظيم خضر العطار لمحمد عمر طه ، شاعر نوبي ، أستاذ اللغة النوبية وباحث في التراث النوبي

DK681 فدوى محمد عثمان - آق مونى

"Aga Moni" sung by the charming singer Fedwa Mohammed Othman, on a poem by the great Poet Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha and a melody composed by the brilliant artist and musician Seid Ibrahim Qurty - with Arabic translation by Poet Ahmed Eissa and Nubian lyrics by Dr. Hasan Nour

An early song written by Mohammed Omar Taha performed by the great Nubian Artist Khidhir El Attar during a wedding

أغنية مبكرة من تأليف محمد عمر طه للفنان النوبي العظيم خضر العطار خلال حفل زفاف

"Dunya Ashry" (The World is Beautiful) - the famous song written by Mohammed Omar Taha sung by the Nubian Artist Khidhir Al Attar at the Alexandria Opera House for the "International Nubia Day" celebrations

دنيا عشري (الدنيا جميلة) - الاغنية الشهيرة التي كتبها محمد عمر طه تغنى بها الفنان النوبي خضر العطار في دار الاوبرا بالاسكندرية بمناسبة احتفالات "يوم النوبة العالمي".

DK32 خضر العطار - دنيا لي أشرياينيني

"The World is Beautiful, the World is Good - We are the ones who corrupt it" Khidhir El Attar sings a poem of Mohammed Omar Taha - with Nubian lyrics by Dr. Hasan Nour

The admirable song "Dunya Ashry" sung by the trio of the sisters "Al Balabil" by Mohammed Omar Taha with Arabic translation

الأغنية الرائعة "دنيا عشري" التي تغنيها ثلاثي الأخوات "البلابل" للمخرج محمد عمر طه مع ترجمة عربية.

DK160 خضر العطار - سيفا يوننيننا

"Sifa Ounilinna, Bale Ounillinna" (Our Celebration) a poem of Mohammed Omar Taha - with Nubian lyrics by Dr. Hasan Nour

DK521 خضر العطار - إلليه إلليه سافرولليه

Khidhir Al Attar sings "Eirle Eirle Safirolle" (if I travel), a poem of Mohammed Omar Taha - with Nubian lyrics by Dr. Hasan Nour

"دنيا عشرية عنيني" أغنية للفنان المؤسف خضر العطار وتأليف الشاعر النوبي محمد عمر طه وغناها الفنان الجميل ملذ غازي عضو معهد الدراما والموسيقى جوقة السودان.

"Dunya Ashriya Innini", a song composed by the regretted Artist Khidhir El-Attar and written by the Nubian Poet Mohammed Omar Taha, sung by the beautiful Artist Maladh Ghazi, a member of the Institute of Drama and Music Choir of Sudan

DK36 البلابل - دولغيتايسان دولليسو

"Dolgidtaissan Dolliso" - poem by Mohammed Omar Taha describing how love brings smile and happiness - sung by the sisters "Al Balabil" - with Nubian lyrics by Dr. Hasan Nour

شعر نوبى للشاعر محمد عمر طه

Nubian poem by the poet Muhammad Omar Taha about the five pillars of Islam

DK49 خضر العطار - عين الحسود أدووين مانج

"Adouwin Many" - poem by Mohammed Omar Taha describing old Nubian wedding rituals to keep away bad spirits - sung b the great Nubian Artist Khidhir Al Attar - with Nubian lyrics and Arabic as well as English translation by Dr. Hasan Nour

لقاء نوبى للشاعر محمدعمر وكريمة صيام على قناة النيل الثقافية

Interview of the Nile Cultural Channel with the poet Mohammed Omar and Karima Siam, about Nubian heritage and Nubian Poems /h2>

مداخلة محمد عمر طه فى قناة الميادين اللبنانية وحوار عن خطر انقراض اللغة النوبية

Muhammad Omar Taha's intervention on the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen channel and a dialogue about the danger of the extinction of the Nubian language

قاء مع الشاعر النوبي ذ/محمد عمر ابن ابريم.

Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha speaks about the role of the Nubian language, proverbs and poems and recites his poem in Arabic

مع الشاعر النوبي ذ/ محمد عمر ابن قريه ابريم.

Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha speaks about the Nubian poem and recites two of his poems in Nubiin

اللى يسأل ميتوهش..مصحح اللغة النوبية فى حلقات ما وراء الطبيعة يكشف كواليس خاصة عن العمل

Dr. Mohammed Omar Taha, Nubian language corrector for the "Supernatural" film series on Netflix, reveals private work scenes for Albalad 2 TV