Discover more about Nubia
News and Events, Youung Visitors, Towns and Villages, Nubian Associations, Cultural Centers, Future Projects, Images of Old Nubia, Nubians in Exile, Contacts and Links
News and Events, Youung Visitors, Towns and Villages, Nubian Associations, Cultural Centers, Future Projects, Images of Old Nubia, Nubians in Exile, Contacts and Links
If you like Nubian art, history and heritage, if you enjoy Nubian songs and dance, why not come and explore Nubian culture in Nubia itself? We try to let you become more familiar with Nubian villages and towns, both in Egypt and in Sudan, and suggest you some Nubian guesthouses where you can take pleasure and find happiness during your holidays in the safest environment. Rest assured that you will enjoy a warm and friendly welcome wherever you go and meet kind and tolerant people always willing to help you.
To our young visitors we will alsways do our best efforts to suggest them fun and entertaining games, resources to learn the Nubian language and aboout Nubian heritage, and contact to cultural centers where they may find artistic activities, learn Arageed dance and participate in sport clubs.
After the construction of consecutive dams in the Nile river and the drowning of a part of Nubian lands, many Nubians have been displaced not only to Egyptian and Sudanese towns, but also abroad to foreign countries. In our website you can find resources about Nubian art and heritage, but hopefully also the opportunity to strengthen your ties with the Nubian homeland and learn or improve your knowledge of the Nubian language, Nubian songs and Nubian culture and traditions.
Love for nature and its protection were not invented by modern societies. In fact, since millennia Nubians protect their environment to the extent that nobody throws any thrash into the Nile, and water is recovered from the Nile and transported some hundred meters from its shores to let animals drink from it... Nubian localities are gorgeous, charming with their beautifully painted homes, extreme cleanliness, and welcoming to any visitor who is always treated with the privilege of a guest. Come and meet this peaceful and friendly society by yourself!
We thank our young visitors for their interest and wish they enjoy our site. Here you will find fun games and information, as well as resources to learn about Nubian history and heritage. There is also a free app to learn the Nubian language, and links to music, painting and crafts lessons. Tell us about your activities, and what you would like to find on our website.
Nubians love to come together and share joy, sorrow, social and cultural issues, and of course artistic events, whatever opportunity arises. While in smaller villages such gatherings are easy to organize on the main square or at the outskirts of the village, Nubians who were displaced to far-away regions and towns need a space where they can come together. Therefore, many Nubian cultural centers, clubs and associations were founded where Nubians can connect with their culture.
Due to the sprouting activities of the Nubian artistic scene, the importance Nubians attach to wedding parties that may spread over several days, and the many artistic, youth and civic unions, there are always events taking place. Occasionally, the media also broadcast news and shows involving Nubian subjects.
Since British troops entered into Nubian lands, many Nubians were displaced abroad across the World. The British occupiers used Nubians in their armies in African countries like Kenya, Congo and Uganda, where they remained stranded at the end of the colonial era, and often live under hazardous conditions. The construction of several dams resulting in Lake Nasser that drowned many Nubian villages further scattered Nubians all-over the World. Here we try to give them the opportunity of connecting with their culture of origin.
We hope to carry out further projects - both in an electronic form and in real life - to support the Nubian people and provide broader access and information about Nubian culture, history and art. We would also like to make a website about Nubian artifacts, that would provide some work and income to the least favored regions like the resettlement areas into desert villages.
"Old Nubia" is the term given to the Nubian lands which were drowned under Lake Nasser (or Lake Nubia) after the construction of dams in Aswan. The Nubians, who lost two thirds of their fertile land and their magnificent nature irrigated by the Nile, remember it with nostalgia and cherish the few photos that remain. These images and videos give you a glimpse into Old Nubia, the filling of the lake that has drowned villages and palm trees, and the international efforts to save some of the temples and historical monuments of Nubia which have been hastily recovered by archaeologists from all over the world.
Here you find our contact addresses and links to other interesting resources about Nubian art, culture and history. Our website is still in its early stage, therefore we ask for your patience and will do our best to add additional information and translations. You are always welcome to send us your suggestions and valuable information you would like us to add.