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Interesting Nubian Language, Poets, Writers, Literature, Proverbs, Personalities, Traditions, Books by Nubian Authors,Books About Nubia
Ezz Eldin Abuzeid is a great poet and composer from Abu Simbel, giftet with extraordinary creativity. His magnificent work of art comprises more than 130 poems in Nubian Nobiin language, about 30 poems in Arabic, for many of which he composed melodies himself and that are sung by the most renowned singers of Nubia.
Embraced by the exceptional artistic community of Abu Simbel, the young Ezz Eldin was influenced early-on by songs and was mainly attracted by poesy, and started writing his own poems. He followed with interest the artwork of the great Nubian poets, the late Abdallah Semil, Ramadhan Bajjo and Mekki Ali Idris, and of course of his elder brother the brilliant Poet Hilmi Abuzeid. Ezz Eldin gave his poems his own imprint and composed his first song in 1972.
Many of his poems communicate his deep love for the lost Nubian nature and the original Nubian way of life rooted in mutual affection, but Ezz Eldin Abuzeid also writes beautiful emotiononal love songs as well as poems with a deep significance promoting adherence to the traditional ethic values and the preservation of the Nubian language and heritage.
His poems were and are sung as well by the established famous artists like Adil Bata, Majdi and Hisham Bata, Ashraf Bata, from the well-known artists family from Abu Simbel, but also by late Khidhir El-Attar, and Ghazi Said, Eissa Tamim, Farah El Masry, and Zikrayat, Hassan Salah Abdelsalam, Abd Almajid Munawar, Mohammed Nawary, Mohammed Hassan, Yousef Kheiry and Atef Kheiry, from the Southern Nubian Valley (Sudan), as well as Abdo Gourrub, and the young singers Hassan Abu Ras, Saber Qena, Ikrami Ismail, Ahmed Sherif and others.
لماذا اخدع روحى بانى استطيع ان انسى الحب؟!!
هل اضحك على روحى وهو ينبض بحبك انى انساكى؟!!
تعرفين حين نذكر اسمك ان الحياة تضحك وتشرق علينا الشمس بخير؟!!!
Why do I deceive my soul thinking that I can forget love?!!
Do I fool my soul while it beats with your love, telling her that I can forget you?!!
Do you know that when we mention your name life laughs and the sun shines on us with goodness?!!!
Arabic translation - ترجمة للعربية
سبعة سبعة يا عيد النوبه ... النوبة التى جمعتنا فرحة الجميع
طالما اننا يد واحده .. فلن يموت حلمنا
يا الهي ارني النوبه وانا على قيد الحياة
ترهاقه ينادينا هاهى بلادكم
ادارة الساقيه وروى لنا الغيطان
فرحا بعودتنا فتح لنا الصالون والغرف
خرجت الرحايات مثل زمان لتدش الغله
المراكب تفرد قلاعها على المراسي
يا الهي ارني النوبه وانا على قيد الحياة
بنغخى ينتقى لنا التمر
فرد حصيرة الفرح ويملا الكرج لنا
اشتاقت لنا المصاطب وتعاني الشوق
اليمام الذى كنا نراه قديما عاد يغنى لنا
انشقت السماء فرحا لترسل نور القمر على الارض
يا الهي ارني النوبه وانا على قيد الحياة
Who are we?
When you and I are together,
who do we become?
Weren’t we the love story of all lovers?
Weren’t we every two together in love,
who saw candles of joy and tears of nostalgia?
Today, who have we become?
You and I are tired of obsessions and suspicions
We became a spirit living with two wounded hearts
Two birds flying with broken wings.
We were two butterflies in the meadows of jasmine,
But today, who have we become?
We became strangers disguised with our love
Wandering in the world alone, separately
We couldn’t get rid of love
Nor of the words of the gloaters.
And we forgot that we stayed together for years.
But today, who have we become?
Ezz Eldin Abuzeid