Discover the Melodious Nubian Music

Fascinating Nubian Songs & Music, Contemporary Nubian singers,The great Old Masters of the Nubian song, Nubian Music, Nubian Musicians, Nubian Composers, Nubian Damce - Arageed, Nubian Arageed Dance Troupes, Nubian Weddings,

Hilmi Abuzeid - حلمي ابو زيد

One of the first great Nubian Poets and Composers and an important eminence in the contemporary Nubian song, Hilmy Seid Mohammed Ali Abuzeid - known as Hilmy Abuzeid, from Abu Simbel, is famed for his creativity, and his more than 100 songs are sung by 27 different singers, 19 of whom are from Abu Simbel, 3 from Qustul, 2 from Ballana and one each from the villages of Masmas, Armena, Ibrim as well as from Jinineh u Shabak. His beautiful poems and melodies are greatly influencing Nubian art, and he helped many poets, musicians and singers on their way to their artistic career.

Born in the Nubian Artists' capital of Abu Simbel, in Old Nubia, on 19 March 1946, Hilmi Abuzeid started writing lyrics and poems - first in Arabic - at a young age, in 1958, and continued his artistic work throughout and after the displacement forced by the drowning of his native village in 1964. He studied Nubian writing, and his wonderful artwork, which also comprises 36 poems in Nubian and 35 in Arabic language, some of which were printed in magazines, helped keep alive traditional Nubian art after Nubians were dispersed. He collaborated with the program "Inspiration from the South", which was a beacon in Cairo. Hilmy Abuzeid issued 5 tapes, sung by 4 singers.

His famed melodies and beautiful love songs reflecting Nubian life, romance and deep feelings, songs written for Nubian festivities as well as some songs reminding religious piety are in all Nubians' hearts, and a song he wrote for Artist Ahmed Ismail was voted second at an internet enquiry for the best Nubian song of 2019.

The brilliant poet and composer Hilmi Abuzeid wrote songs for many great Artists, from the sixties to this day, including among others the regretted Saber Lulu, Abboudi Semil, Ahmed Ibrahim, Ahmed Hussein, Selim Shaarawy, Seid Jamal, Jamal Sherif. Mohammed Qenawy, Abdelrahman Wahbeh, Omar Jaafar, Ashraf Bata, Ahmed Haroun, Usama Rus as well as Adil Bata, Majdi Bata, Hisham Bata, Ahmed Hussein, Magdy Abdel Hamid, Mohammed Farouq, Omar Jaafar, Husam Fethy, Ahmed Ismail, Farah Elmasry, Mohammed Yousef, Ahmed Sherif, Bisimbis, and the young Hamo Mustafa as well as others. In his YouTube channel Nobiin Dorekolod Dr. Hassan Nour has written the words of several poems and lyrics of many songs of Hilmi Abuzeid in Nubian, sometimes with translations into Arabic and English.

الشاعر/حلمي أبو زيد / ج1/ ندوة شعراء أبناء النوبة / مؤسسة بنت الحجاز/ الجمعة7/9/2018

The great poet Helmy Abu Zaid, Sons of Nubian Poets Seminar, Bint Al-Hijaz Foundation, Friday 7/9/2018 - Part1

االشاعر/حلمي أبو زيد / ج2/ ندوة شعراء أبناء النوبة / مؤسسة بنت الحجاز/ الجمعة7/9/2018

The great poet Helmy Abu Zaid, Sons of Nubian Poets Seminar, Bint Al-Hijaz Foundation, Friday 7/9/2018 - Part2

الشاعر/ حلمي أبو زيد /صالون عافية الثقافي/الندوة الثقافية الشهرية/الأحد 9/9/2018

The great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid presents one of his poems in Arabic at the monthly cultural symposium of the Afia Cultural Salon - Sunday, 9/9/2018

الشاعر النوبي الكبير حلمي أبو زيد يشجع على حماية اللغة النوبية ويقرأ قصيدة - 26 فبراير 2016

The great Nubian poet Helmy Abu Zeid encourages the public to protect the Nubian language and recites a poem - February 26, 2016

ندوة مناقشة 3دواوين للشاعر/كمال كرباش/مشاركة الشاعر/حلمي أبوزيد/جمعية الدر وتنقالة/الجمعة22/10/2021

The great Nubian poet Helmy Abu Zeid recites a poem in Arabic about Nubia during a cultural seminar in Cairo - 22/10/2021 - filmed by Dahab Almajraby

الفنان الكبير ناصر السيد يغني "اديلايمي" الأغنية الرائعة من كلمات وألحان الشاعر والملحن المتميز حلمي أبوزيد ، وذلك خلال تجمع فني جميل.

The great Artist Nasser Elseyid sings "Adileyimmi", the wonderful song written and composed by the outstanding Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid, during a beautiful artistic gathering

الفنان الموهوب ناصر السيد يغني "دولقدلي اشريا" على قصيدة ولحن من تأليف الشاعر والملحن المتميز حلمي أبو زيد مع فنانين آخرين في لقاء فني.

The talented Artist Nasser Elseyid sings "Dolgidli Ashriya" (love is beautiful), on a poem and melody composed by the outstanding Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid, with other artists in an artistic gathering

الفنان الموهوب ناصر السيد يغني "دولقدلي اشريا" على قصيدة ولحن من تأليف الشاعر والملحن المتميز حلمي أبو زيد مع فنانين آخرين في لقاء فني.

The talented Artist Nasser Elseyid sings "Dolgidli Ashriya" (love is beautiful), on a poem and melody composed by the outstanding Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid, with other artists in an artistic gathering

الفنان المبدع ناصر السيد يغني أغنية من كلمات وألحان الشاعر والملحن الرائع حلمي أبوزيد في لقاء فني مع فنانين آخرين.

The creative Artist Nasser Elseyid sings a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid, with other artists in an artistic gathering

الفنان الكبير ناصر السيد يغني أغنية من كلمات وألحان الشاعر والملحن الرائع حلمي أبو زيد خلال تجمع فني

The great Artist Nasser Elseyid sings "Nayli Alumani" written and composed by the wonderful Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeidduring an artistic gathering

DK683 مجيد منور - إركونقا ألقومون نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Poet and Composer Hilmy abuzeid listens attentively to the creative Artist Majid Mounawar as he sings and plays the song "Eirki Ounniga Algimounna" composed by himself and written by Poet Keles Abutaha under the direction by the overall Artist Prof. Mekki Ali Idris- with Arabic translation by Poet Ahmed Aissa and lyrics in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Poem 'Woo Yoyoto'

قصيدة "وو يويوتو" (يا أمي) للشاعر الرائع حلمي أبو زيد

Poem «Woo Yoyoto» (Oh My Mother) in Nubian by the wonderful Poet Hilmi Abu Zeid

Poem 'Al Jeish Al-Abyadh'

قصيدة "الجيش الابيض" للشاعر النوبي الرائع حلمي أبو زيد

Poem «Al Jaish Alabyadh» (The White Army) in Arabic by the wonderful Poet Hilmi Abu Zeid, in honor of the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel sacrificing themselves without respite to help people... "like white angels"

يغني الفنان النوبي الشهير أشرف باتا أغنية "وو يويوتو" بمشاعر عميقة، كتبها ولحنها الشاعر والملحن الرائع حلمي أبو زيد خلال لقاء فني

The renowned Nubian Artist Ashraf Bata sings "Woo Yoyoto" with deep feelings, written and composed by the wonderful Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid during an artistic gathering

الفنان الكبير ناصر السيد يغني أغنية من كلمات وألحان الشاعر والملحن الرائع حلمي أبو زيد خلال تجمع فني

The great Artist Nasser Elseyid sings "Nayli Alumani" written and composed by the wonderful Poet and Composer Hilmy Abuzeid during an artistic gathering

DK202 شعر نوبى - حلمى أبوزيد - قصة المعبد نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Poet Hilmi Abuzeid reads his poem "Birben Koumma" - with words in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK204 شعر نوبى - حلمى أبوزيد - أوندينجا ماشكا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Poet Hilmi Abuzeid presents his poem "Ondenga Mashka" - with words in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK217 شعر نوبى - حلمى أبوزيد - هلال رمضان نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Poet Hilmi Abuzeid recites one of his poems on the occasion of Ramadhan - with words in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK206 شعر نوبى - حلمى أبوزيد - صوم رمضان نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Poet Hilmi Abuzeid recites one of his poems about Ramadhan fasting - with words in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK207 شعر نوبى - حلمى أبوزيد - عيد فطر سعيد نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Poet Hilmi Abuzeid recites one of his poems on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr - with words in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK59b أشرف باطا - دولغدلى أشريا نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Artist Ashraf Bata sings "Dolgidli Ashriya", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian and translation to Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK27b عبد الرحمن وهبى - مولانوغ فوتسيندو نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Abdelrahman Wahby sings "Mol Annilogo Foutsindo", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian and translation to Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK24b محمد يوسف - إنه نبينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Mohammed Yousef sings "El Nebi Ounilinna", on a poem and melody by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian and translation to Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK29b محمد فاروق - تاللينا تاللينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Mohammed Farouq sings "Tarlinna Tarlinna", on a poem and melody by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK573 حمو مصطفى - أليغ ماشكيداككونامميه نوبيين دوري كولود

The young Nubian Artist Hamo Mustafa sings "Mashkidankonamme", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK570 أحمد شريف - أدى ميسسيه خيرلوغ كيرونا نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Misseli Kirona", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK16b أشرف باطا - وو ملاك نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Ashraf Bata sings "Ala Leli Woo Melak", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK533 أحمد شريف - موول أننوغ فووتسيندو نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Mol Annilogo Foutsindo", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK4b عبودى سمل - انجان سيفاليننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Enga'n Sifalinna", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK501 محمد حسن الصايغ - منغا إككا أوهوون دولليرينى نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Mohammed Hassan Alsaigh sings "Minga Eirka Ouhoun Dollirini", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK194 أحمد شريف - لالانى نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Ahmed Sherif sings "Lalani", written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK146 عادل باطا - شوورتيلى إككا دوللووسونانى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artists Adil and Ashraf Bata sing "Shortili Irka Dollosonani", written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK69 البيسمبيس - وو أيان خيرانى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artists Bisimbis and Saber Loulou sing "Woo Ayan Herani", written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK58 عادل باطا - ناسو ناسو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings "Nasso Nasso", written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian as well as Arabic and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK39 أحمد حسين العمدة - منجوسا إر أيدان بانجىمى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian oud player and Artist Ahmed Husein Al-Omdeh sings "Mendjosa Ir Aydan Banyimi", written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian as well as Arabic and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK37 سليم شعراوى - لالان صدقتامى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Lalan Seddigtamme", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian as well as Arabic and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK33 أسامة روس - ديبون نولوانى نوبيين دوري كولود

The Nubian Artist Usama Rus sings "Diboun Nouluwani", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK27 عبد الرحمن وهبى - مولانوغ فوتسيندو نوبيين دوري كولود

The renowned Nubian Artist Abdelrahman Wahby sings "Molannog Foutsindo", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK24 محمد يوسف - النبي أوننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Nubian Artist Mohammed Yousef sings "Ennebiyounninna", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK16 أشرف باطا - وو ملاك نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Nubian Artist Ashraf Bata sings "Alla Leli Woo Melak", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK11b محمد يوسف - الله دانا نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous Nubian Artist Mohammed Yousef sings "Alla Dana", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK10 أحمد اسماعيل - خيروغ ايديريه نوبيين دوري كولود

The wonderful Nubian Artist Ahmed Ismail sings "Gem Gem Ir Herog Idire", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK9 ناصر حاج - أديلببمى نوبيين دوري كولود

The eminent Nubian Artist Nasser Al-Haj sings "Adileyimmi", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK6 أحمد اسماعيل - وو نور الحمد للـه نوبيين دوري كولود

The famed Nubian Artist Ahmed Ismail sings "Woo Nor Ilhamdoulillahi", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK8 أشرف باطا - اليلا ايان ويونانى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Ashraf Bata sings "Ellelan Ay Weyyonani", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK4 عبودى سمل - انجان سفالينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Abboudi Samil sings "Engan Sifalinna", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK3 عادل باطا - وو يويوتو نوبيين دوري كولود

The prominent Nubian Artist Adil Bata sings "Woo Yoyoto", a song written and composed by the great Poet Hilmi Abuzeid - with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

حفل تكريم لعمالقة وقامات ابو سمبل /الشاعر الكبير حلمى ابو زيد /حسين عراش /عبد الرحمن وهبى

Ceremony honoring the greatest Artists of Abu Simbel; the great poet Helmy Abu Zaid, Hussein Arash and Abdel Rahman Wahbi - Part1

(الجزء الثانى )حفل تكريم عمالقة وقامات ابو سمبل الشاعر حلمى ابوزيد حسين عراش عبد الرحمن وهبى

Ceremony honoring the greatest Artists of Abu Simbel; the great poet Helmy Abu Zaid, Hussein Arash and Abdel Rahman Wahbi - Part2

رائعه حلمي ابو زيد (الفنان /احمد شريف )

The famous Artist Ahmed Sherif sings a beautiful song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Hilmy Abuzeid

كلمات الشاعر حلمي ابوزيد وغناء عصام سليمان وعزف كرم سلطان (شورتي تود اكركجاكنا)

The young singer Assam Suleiman sings "Shorty Tod Irkakagna" written and composed by the great Poet Hilmy Abuzeid, with the choir of Ashraf Sambo and Saleh Khmis, and music by Mohammed Hilmy

اللا مشكدكونمي كلمات /حلمي ابوزيد وعزف محمد حلمي واداء حمو الفروغندكي وكورال اشرف سمبو وصالح خميس

The young singer Hamo Al-Farughandaki sings "Ale Mashkidakonamme" written and composed by the great Poet Hilmy Abuzeid, with the choir of Ashraf Sambo and Saleh Khmis, and music by Mohammed Hilmy