استمع إلى الأغاني النوبية المثيرة
اغاني, موسيكا, الملحنون والموسيقيون, الاراجيد, اساتذة عظماء الأغنية النوبية, فنانون نوبيون معاصرون الكبار, النجوم الصاعدة للأغنية النوبية
اغاني, موسيكا, الملحنون والموسيقيون, الاراجيد, اساتذة عظماء الأغنية النوبية, فنانون نوبيون معاصرون الكبار, النجوم الصاعدة للأغنية النوبية
Majdi Bata is one of the great Artists and Musicians who have greatly influenced the contemporary Nubian music and songs. As son of the famous regretted Artist Abdallah Bata, one of the great founding fathers of the New Nubian Song, and brother of the equally celebrated Artist Adil Bata, he was immersed in his family's artistic ingenuity, proficiency and exploits since his youngest childhood.
Majdi Bata sings with a melodious voice expressing his passion for music and his deep feelings, presenting both traditional Nubian songs as his own songs on poems of the famous poets Ez Eldin Abuzeid and Mamdouh Bakhit in pure Nubian tradition. What motivates him is his deep love for music and Nubian heritage, and due to his modest and gracieous character he prefers to sing at artistic gatherings and events organized by Nubian associations and charitable concerts, rather than large wedding parties.
Usually Majdy accompanies his songs playing oud (lute); he is also appreciated as outstanding musician who composed many melodies not only for himself, but also for his brother Adil Bata as well as several other Nubian artists, including Nabil Fethy, Jiddo Seif and Nasser Seid. When listening to the great Artist Majdi Bata, one feels being welcomed to sit right beside him and participating in this wonderful experience.