Discover the Wonderful Nubian Art

Fascinating Nubian Songs & Music, Nubian Language,Literature, Visual Arts, Nubian History, Events & Contacts

Music and song are the bloodflow of Nubia

Music and song are as important to the Nubian community as breething air. Music is part of the beautiful nature most Nubians were living in, surrounded by the soft drifting and splashing sounds of the Nile river, the wind playing in the palm and foliage, the chirping of various types of birds, the sounds of their animals - all mixed with the laughter of the children.

It is this beautiful nature, which many Nubians now miss after having been displaced from their villages - which were flooded after the construction of the Aswan High Dam - that inspired Nubian music, rhythms and songs sung for thousands of years, They are lovefully sung and danced to until this day.

Nubians - as well women and men as children - sing all day long, while working, cleaning, cooking, creating beautiful household items and handicrafts, and especially in the evenings when they gather under a tree or in a room and share their art during artistic gatherings, or artistic sit-together.

That is how even young children love singing and dancing, sing on their way to and from school and develop their art into adulthood, some of them choosing to become an acclaimed singer or musician.

Singing and dancing lets Nubians express their deep feelings, share their mutual love and solidarity, entertain themselves during travel or field work, share their joy during festivities and get some solace during sad moments and coping with the hardships of life.

Follow us on this enjoyable journey through Nubian music and art, and enjoy the beautiful tunes and melodies, the exciting rhythms and let us introduce you to the great Nubian artists, singers and musicians.

Areas to Explore

Contemporary songs

Contemporary Nubian singers

Singing is the life stream of the Nubians. Even while in their mother's womb, Nubian children start hearing songs, rhythms and music. In an environment where everybody is singing, the children's interest in music grows with them... There is no community with such a large number of singers and musicians compared to its size, as the Nubians. Each artist performs in his or her orwn style and feelings, with a specific message and mindset.

The great Masters of the Nubian song

Nubians have been singing since the beginning of times, when gifted creative poets and artists out of the public created and transmitted songs which they performed amidst the guests of a wedding, at celebrations, during travels and in artistic gatherings, the famous gatherings of singers and musicians in which they share their passion for their art. Usually, the singer leads the song with the audience repeating the refrain.

Nubian Language

Music and Musicians

Nature inspired the Nubian settles of the Nile Valley since ancient times to turn the beautiful sounds into songs and music. Most Nubian songs are written and played in the pentatone music range, representing the five basic sounds found in nature, and together with the Nubian rhythms, with 6 main rhythms extended to 11, that can be varited up to 21, lets the body move and the spirit rejoice. While the classic Nubian instruments were the "Tar", or "Def" in Arabic, a hand drum played by 3 players, and the "Kither" or "Tambour", a 5-string instrument represented in ancient paintings, nowadays the "oud" (luthe), "nay" flute, organ or keyboard and other modern instruments are also added.

Music Groups

All-over the Nubian music scene, music groups have been forming, performing wonderful presentations, often accompanied by an "Arageed" dance troupe. Mainly performing at concerts, festivals and events, these artists delight the public with beautiful performances adding to the attractive nature of Nubian music and songs. Famous Nubian singers often emerged from music groups.

Nubian Language
Nubian Arageed dance

Nubian "Arageed" dance

The same way as Nubian songs produce a passion for singing, it also raises the body to dance with the rousing rhythms. "Arageed" is the name of the Nubian popular dance, danced by the whole of the public - from the youngest to the oldest, in lines and circles of dancers sharing their passion for music and enjoying to give expression to their happiness all together. In simple rhythmic steps, they wave their arms inspired by the waves of the Nile, the original lifeline of the Nubians. Some youth excel in creative additional performances...

Artistic Arageed dance troupes

The enjoyable Arageed dance incited young Nubians to form coordinated dance troupes, rising the dance to a higher form of art in which certain spectacular figures and patterns are danced all in coordination, presenting an amazing visual impression and enriching even more the perception of a song or a music session. Often "Arageed" groups perform together with a singer.

Arageed troupes
Nubian Weddings

Nubian weddings

The wedding is usually the climax of a Nubian's life, and therefore it is prepared with great endeavor. Although modern life and displacement forced Nubians to usually reduce the festivities from a full week - as it was practiced in Nubian villages - to one day, music and dance is performed with great excitement, usually with a known Nubian singer, in an environment ranging from street celebrations to upscale luxury halls or gardens, according to the means, but the Nubian songs and "Arageed" dance brings joy to all of the attendees in any circumstance.

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