Discover the Wonderful Nubian Art

Fascinating Nubian Songs & Music, Contemporary Nubian singers,The great Old Masters of the Nubian song, Nubian Music, Nubian Musicians, Nubian Composers, Nubian Damce - Arageed, Nubian Arageed Dance Troupes, Nubian Weddings,

Selim Shaarawy - سليم شعراوي

Selim Shaarawy was born in Abu Simbel, as son of Shaarawy Selim - one of the pioneers of the artistic Nubian song by the thirties of the last century. In the early sixties, the young Selim joined the Adawaa Al Nuba Music Group and later the Ali Koban orchestra in Cairo, where he became famous as an artful dancer and Tar (Nubian drum) and Bongo percussionist, and was distinguished and brilliant in all colors of the art of rhythm..

Inspired by the great artists of his time, Selim Shaarawy also started singing. His breakthrough came as the great Artist Mohammed Wardi invited him and other artists, and singled him out when he sang the refrain. Wardi praised him encouraging him, but he told Selim his playing the rhythm was even more beautiful, and took him as percussionist to a concert in Alexandria. After singing at artistic gatherings, his emotional performance became prominent and the greatest poets of the time wrote and composed songs for him.

Selim Shaarawy's songs appeared in albums and cassettes in the 70s and 80s, and he was one of the co-founders of the Nubian Drums, Rhythms and Singing Band in 1991, whose aim was was to preserve the Nubian rhythmic and lyrical heritage of extinction and searching for the Nubian rhythmic roots, and its similarity to the Nubian rituals with the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. The regretted Selim Shaarawy has influenced Nubian art and singing and his rich legacy with countless beautiful songs still lives in our conscience to this day, generation after generation.

رائعة الراحل المقيم الفنان سليم شعراوي

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Hoy Woo Aylanto Sabre" at an artistic gathering

DK151 سليم شعراوى - إلليننا يا أيليننا Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Eirlinna ya Aylinna", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK102 سليم شعراوى - تارمى آغ مانجانى تيمايي Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Tarmi Ag Magnanni Timayi", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK112 سليم شعراوى - أسلادا Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Aslada Ya Nas", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK157 سليم شعراوى - سيكير سيكير تايا Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Sikkira... Sikkira Tarya", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK135 سليم شعراوى - على النبى صلينا Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Ala El Nebi Sallena", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK57 سليم شعراوى - أيلانتو صبريه Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Hoy Woo Aylanto Sabre", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK187 سليم شعراوى - إر مارى مارين توود Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Eirli Mari Mari'n Tod", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK117 سليم شعراوى - أيغاليه وو أنيتوو Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Aygale Woo Annitod", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

DK37 سليم شعراوى - لالان صدقتامى Nobiin Doure Kolod

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Lalan Sedigtamme", on a poem and melody by the Nubian Poet Hilmy Abuzeid, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Doure Kolod

أسلاده للراحل المقيم سليم شعراوي

Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Aslada Ya Nas"

فيديو جميل مع الفنان سليم شعراوي اغنية مشهورة "هوي وو ايلانتو صابر"

Beautiful video with Artist Selim Shaarawy's famous song "Hoy Woo Aylanto Sabre"