Discover the Wonderful Nubian Art

Fascinating Nubian Songs & Music, Contemporary Nubian singers,The great Old Masters of the Nubian song, Nubian Music, Nubian Musicians, Nubian Composers, Nubian Damce - Arageed, Nubian Arageed Dance Troupes, Nubian Weddings,

Seid Gayer - سيد حاير

Seid Gayer from Abu Simbel is one of the great artists who contributed to the promotion and improvement of Nubian artistic heritage.

Seid Gayer is one of the Nubian artists who lived and enjoyed the Nubian songs being sung by everybody, from early childhood to advanced age, men and women, without the notion of distinctiveness of the singer, poet or musician. During events the singer was singing among his audience, together with men and women dancing the famous "Arageed" folks dance, turning in the middle among the public adrssing one or the other part of the people who all contributed by singing his refrains. In Old Nubia, ancient melodies and heritage songs were preserved and sung at any occasion, and when new songs emerged often it wasn't even known who had written or composed them, and where they came from. It was the period of fundamental art...

Deeply marked by the displacement of Nubians from Old Nubia, the land along the Nile flooded and drowned after the construction of Aswan High Dam, he introduced songs lamenting this loss among Nubian music with his song "Henina"

Seid Gayer set up a music and "Arageed" dance troupe, and influenced many contemporary artists.

His songs and compositions are kept alive by his son, the renowned Artist Ahmed Gayer.

The great Nubian Artist Seid Gayer speaks about the Nubian song, the original Nubian Art and the influences it underwent since the displacement of most Nubians to other regions and towns.

تسجيل نادر للراحل المقيم سيد جاير ـ تحيات شوقى برون

DK550 أحمد سيد جاير ويرا ويرا

Seid Gayer, the popular song "Wera Wera Wera" written, sung and composed by late Seid Gayer, with his son Ahmed Gayer, and lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore KolodYoutube channel

رائعة الفنان سيد جاير..الله ليل ياسلام ..

Wonderful artist Sayyid Jair..God bless him

الفنان سيد جاير اخراج م. عادل عز

Wonderful artist Sayyid Jair sings "Woo Hanina"..God bless him

كليب الفنان سيد جاير رحمة اللة - ابناء ابوسمبل بالقرية واروع الاغانى النوبية مع تحيات سمير ابو

Wonderful artist Sayyid Jair sings "Rahmet Allah"

الفنان النوبي الكبير سيد جاير ،،، رحمه الله

The great Nubian artist Seyid Gayer , training his troupe, God have mercy on him

سيد جاير تالو تالو

Wonderful artist Sayyid Jair sings "Tallo tallo"..God bless him

في مهرجان 2009 - سيد جاير

Wonderful artist Sayyid Jair at concert in 2009

حنينة النوبة ،، سيد جاير

The famous Nubian song "Hanina" - Seid Gayer with his troupe

آباياسا - الراحل المقيم / سيد جاير

Seid Gayer sings his song "Abayasa"

DK71 سيد جاير- اللا ليل اللا

Seid Gayer, "Ala Leil Ala ... Waiana" wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK64 سيد جاير - أون دورو جييمى

"Ondoro dey-yim Naabeyan Bahar" sung,written and composed by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore KolodYoutube channel

DK565 سيد جاير - منا من الله

"Mina Min Alla" sung,written and composed by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK14 سيد جاير - بلسم شافيج فلى

"Balsam Shafig Fele" sung by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK554 سيد جاير - وو أرهاوى

"Woo Arhawy" sung, written and composed by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK70 سيد جاير - اليلان اربيسى

"Elelan Irbisse Woo Ammo" sung, written and composed by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK122 سيد جاير - ناوييا زميل سافراللييا

"Nawiya Zemil Safiralleya" Nubian heritage song, sung by Seyid Gayer - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK35 سيد جاير وجمال كديس - أورودان فراقن أورودا

"Orodan Fouragin Oroda" Song written and composed by Seyid Gayer sung that he sings together with Jamal Kadis - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK165 سيد جاير - يا سمرا فوراغن صعيبا

"Ed Samra Fourag Eirnili Saiba" sung, written and composed by Seyid Gayer sung that he sings together with Jamal Kadis - wihth lyrics in Nubian language from Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK107 سيد جاير - تالين تالين تاليننا

"Tallinna" sung, written and composed by Seyid Gayer with Nubian lyrics Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK600 سيد جاير - إن كوارتى

"Ein Kawarty" with Artists Seyid Gayer and Fikry Al Kashef, written and composed by Seyid Gayer with Nubian lyrics Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

DK608 سيد جاير - أسمر اللونا

"Asmar El Lona" Artist Seyid Gayer - Nubian heritage song - with Nubian lyrics Dr. Hassan Nour - Nobiin Dore Kolod Youtube channel

السلام سيد جاير - Ταλλογ ςαλαμ - ςαΙΙΔ ΓαΙΡ

"Tallou Salam" by Seyid Gayer

كوارتى سيد جاير - ΚαωαρεΤΙ - ςαΙΙΔ ΓαΙΡ

"Kawarty" by Seyid Gayer

وايو شنا سيد جاير ( ωαιοψαηα - ςαιιΔ Γαιρ )

"Wayoshana" by Seyid Gayer

يا فنانه - سيد جاير - ςαιιΔ Γαιρ - ια Φιηηαηα

"Ya Fennana" by Seyid Gayer

انى حاله سيد جاير

"Inni Hala" by Seyid Gayer

بلسم شافى سيد جاير - παλςαμ ψαΦΙΓ - ςαιιΔ Γαιρ

"Balsam Shafig" by Seyid Gayer

سيد جاير وراهاوي

"Warawy" by Seyid Gayer

سيد جاير وو حنينة

"ًWoo Hanina" by Seyid Gayer