Discover the Wonderful Nubian Art

Fascinating Nubian Songs & Music, Contemporary Nubian singers,The great Old Masters of the Nubian song, Nubian Music, Nubian Musicians, Nubian Composers, Nubian Damce - Arageed, Nubian Arageed Dance Troupes, Nubian Weddings,

Salah Abbas - صلاح عباس

Saleh Abbas was born in Old Nubia, in a village of Abu Simbel. Since his childhood he loved art, and observed how the adult artists were singing and playing the Tar (the Nubian drum), wishing one day he would be able to play it and sing like them. He was greatly inspired by Mohammed Wardy and sang his songs, and the songs of other artists of his time.

After he moved to Cairo with his family, in the early sixties he sang his first own songs, most on poems of Abdelrahman Abdallah Saleh. As one of the most renowned Nubian artists, lovingly named the "Dean of Nubian Art", he sang in many festivities and events.

Saleh Abbas strived for Nubian unity, and said he is from all Nubian villages. His songs were and are still loved and sung by many artists as well in Lower Nubia (Egypt) as in Upper Nubia (Sudan). Before passing away a few years ago, he often sung in artistic gatherings with other artists and actively promoted teaching the Nubian language, heritage and art to the children.

سهرة نوبية من محراب عميد الفنانين النوبين الراحل صالح عباس

A Nubian artistic gathering evening from the mihrab of the late Dean of Nubian artists, Saleh Abbas - "Kawarti"

الفنان النوبي القدير صالح عباس

The great Nubian artist, Saleh Abbas

صالح عباس - ارجوي هاترينا

The great Nubian artist, Saleh Abbas

لقاء الفن صالح عباس - فكرى الكاشف - همد الجزء الثالث

The Art Meeting, Artists Saleh Abbas - Fikry Al Kashef - Hamed Part 3

لقاء الفن صالح عباس - فكرى الكاشف - همد الجزء الاول

The Art Meeting, Saleh Abbas - Fikry Al Kashef - Hamed Part 1

لقاء الفن صالح عباس - فكرى الكاشف - همد الجزء الرابع

The Art Meeting, Saleh Abbas - Fikry Al Kashef - Hamed Part 4

لقاء الفن صالح عباس - فكرى الكاشف - همد الجزء الثاني

The Art Meeting, Saleh Abbas - Fikry Al Kashef - Hamed Part 2

الفنان صالح عباس عميد الفن النوبي ويشاركه الشبل النوبي صالح ميمي عابدين في حفل تأبين الفنان الراحل سيد جاير ساقية

Artist Saleh Abbas, Dean of Nubian Art, and the Nubian Cub, Saleh Mimi Abdeen, will participate in the commemoration festivities for the late artist, Sayed Jair

صالح عباس و فكرى 1

Saleh Abbas - "Ya Red Mina Kawartanga Ag Waikokkayi"

DK78 صالح عباس - إن ايلاغا موونكانيه Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "In-m Aylanga Monkanne" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, on a poem and melody by Abdelrahman Mohammed Saleh, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK106 صالح عباس - وو أننينجيتو كيري Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Wo Annengitod Kire" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, written and composed by the Poet Seid Tawfiq, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK563 صالح عباس - إر أيدان داسين يومغا جيلليه Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Eirli Aydan Darsin Yomga Djile" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem by Ramadhan Abd Elseid and composed by Abusemil, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK34 صالح عباس - أيكوغ إر موغونى Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Aykog Ir Mougoni" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK123 صالح عباس - آغ جاغرون أويين جاغسين Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Aga Djagroni Oui'n Jarsin Ouagti Kirona" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Abdelrahman Mohammed Saleh, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK113 صالح عباس - ارضالون داركوكانى Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Erdaloni Darkokkani" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Ramadhan Samsib, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK1 صالح عباس - وو نور Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Woo Nor Auidos Aiga" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Husein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK118 صالح عباس - وو يوويو ياما إر غورروناممى Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Woo Yoyo Yama ir-li Gourronamme" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody written and composed by Saleh Abbas, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK113 صالح عباس - ارضالون داركوكانى

Song "Erdaloni Darkokkani" sung by Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Ramadhan Samsib, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK 21b صالح عباس - أيليه إللا ماس Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Ayle Ila Mas Yom Wekka Eska Tigoli" sung, written and composed by Artist Saleh Abbas, lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK52 صالح عباس - أسلادا Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Aslada Ya Nas Aslada" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody written and composed by Hussein Jaser, lyrics in Nubian, Arabic and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK42 صالح عباس - تاليه صبريا Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Tale Sabriya...Ayko Sabriya" sung, written and composed by Artist Saleh Abbas, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK46 صالح عباس - ماسكج آوى Nobiin Dore Kolod

Song "Maskig Awe...Dounyala Awe" sung by Artist Saleh Abbas, poem and melody written and composed by Saleh Abbas, lyrics in Nubian and Arabic translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK156 صالج عباس - أن دوليككا ناى فييغووتيه

Song "Ann Dolekka Nay-li Fa Igotte" sung by Saleh Abbas, poem and melody by Abdelrahman Mohammed Saleh, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK66 صالح عباس - كوارتى

Song "Ya Ret Mina Kawartanga Ag Waikokkayi" sung by Saleh Abbas, poem by Abdelrahman Mohammed Saleh and Abdo Idris, composed by Abdelrhman Mohammed Saleh and Saleh Abbas, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

اغنية نوبية الله ليل للمبدع صالح عباس

Nubian song "Allah Leil" by the creative Artist Saleh Abbas

الفنان النوبي صالح عباس "ويويووو"

Nubian song "Woo Yoyo" by the creative Artist Saleh Abbas

اغنية نوبية عديلة للفنان صالح عباس

Nubian song "Adela" by the artist Saleh Abas

صالح عباس

Saleh Abas

الفنان النوبي صالح عباس " ايلي الا ماس"

Nubian Artist Saleh Abbas "Ayle Illa Mas"

الفنان النوبي صالح عباس "وشورتي"

Nubian Artist Saleh Abbas "Shorty"

حفلةادندان.صالح عباس"ايليه إلاماس"مع تحيات/سميرعمر

Adindan Concert by Salih Abbas, "Ilaya Elamas", with regards / Samir Omar

الفنان صالح عباس في كوارتنجا

Salih Abbas sings "Kawartanga"

A musical session with the uncle of Saleh Abbas, the great Nubian artist, Part 1

جلسه موسيقيه مع عم صالح عباس الفنان النوبي القدير الجزء الاول

A musical session with the uncle of Saleh Abbas, the great Nubian artist, Part 2

جلسه موسيقيه مع عم صالح عباس الفنان النوبي القدير الجزء الثاني

The great Nubian artist, Saleh Abbas

الفنان النوبي القدير صالح عباس

ٍSaleh Abbas, Toshka Concert

الفنان النوبي القدير صالح عباس

صالح عباس و فكرى 1

Saleh Abbas - "Ya Ret Mina Kawartanga Ag Waikokkayi"

الفنان الراحل صالح عباس

Words of the late artist Saleh Abbas

انانوبي الفنان القدير ( صالح عباس )يتحدث مع قناة انوبى فى برنامج ( ونسة نوبية )

The great artist Saleh Abbas speaks with the Ananobi channel in the program Wense Nobiye

انانوبى فى ضيافة الفنان القدير/ صالح عباس ) مع ونسة نوبية الحلقة الثانية (2)

The great artist Saleh Abbas speaks with the Ananobi channel (2) in the program Wense Nobiye

قناة انانوبى فى ونسة نوبية الحلقة(3)مع الفنان القدير (صالح عباس وفرح المصري)

The great artist Saleh Abbas speaks with the Ananobi channel (3) in the program Wense Nobiye

كلمة أ.مسعد هركي في حفل تكريم الفنان صالح عباس

Speech of Prof. Mussad Harki at the ceremony honoring the artist, Saleh Abbas

صالح عباس

Saleh Abas